Will you make a difference?

Help survivors feel seen, known and loved through our 7 Days of Hope challenge from survivors for survivors!


Broken Made beautiful

Broken Made Beautiful is a 501c3 that helps others through prevention and education. We desire to help girls and women survivors of sexual trauma who are still suffering to receive help and hope with Christ-centered resources that will improve their coping skills. Every 68 seconds an American is assaulted and every 9 minutes that victim is a child. We know that the affects of trauma can last a lifetime and often times victims suffer in silence and don’t get the support they need. Individuals, organizations, companies and corporations can collectively make a difference when they support this mission through our workbook and 7 days of Hope Challenge! Every survivor needs to know they are worthy of help, hope, and healing. When they do, we want to be there to support them through their journey.

worthy of support

9 out of 10 victims of rape are female.

1 out of every 6 American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime. (14.8% completed and 2.8% attempted)

If you or someone you know has been affected by sexual violence, it’s not your fault. You are not alone. Although Broken Made Beautiful cannot offer counseling since we are not mental health professionals, if you feel that you do need counseling, please contact Focus on the Family’s Counseling Services at 1-855-771-HELP.

Additional hotlines:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255

The American Association of Christian Counselors This site can help you find a counselor in your area by zip code.

The Hotline The site offers anonymous help or practical next steps for those facing domestic violence or abuse. Or call 1-800-799-7233 (-SAFE).

worthy of healing

“When God knit me together in my mother’s womb, I believe He added a little extra tenacity and a whole lot of resilience. He knew I’d need it to fight and overcome the battles my life would face. Since I was a little girl there has been an attack on my voice. As a small child I practiced screaming to prepare for the next time I would face my abuser, but when the time came, I couldn’t open my mouth. As I grew, life beat the desire to speak up right out of me. I believed I was damaged goods waiting to be discarded by the next person that came along. The pain of the past marked me. Even when I believe I had something to say, I usually kept quiet for fear it would lead to more pain. Rejection, abandonment, loss of love… In my mid-twenties God set me up to meet a series of women, I call checkpoint people, who over the course of a decade would each teach me a different facet of God’s character. One would share God the Son, Jesus Christ. Another would reveal God the Spirit and my identity in Christ. Lastly one of my beautiful mentors would show me the love of God the Father that would ultimately lead me to trust God and accept my position as a daughter of the King. Through the years of learning who I was created to be, I discovered the courage to find freedom from a life of abuse. My heart's cry was to be whole, healed, and healthy which led me to ferociously go after the healing my mind and heart so desperately needed. I was determined to be free from the pain of the past. In doing so I’ve discovered a new way to live. I’ve found peace that is not of this world (John 14:27). It is now my mission to speak up and comfort others with the same comfort I was comforted with. To encourage women to uncover the lies of the enemy and discover who they were created to be. To walk as daughters who are healed and healthy inside-out. I published my story in September 2021.”

—kathryn may

“I I was molested at 3 years old by a neighbor, at age 13 I was raped by a stranger. I held that secret until I was 33 years old because I was not supposed to be at the house I was at when the rape occurred, and I was more afraid of what my stepdad would do to me for disobeying and going somewhere I was told not to that I kept it hidden. This led to a spiraling in my life of self-destruction. The majority of my high school years I tried to numb the pain through partying and giving myself away in search of love. I was 17 when I came to the understanding of what Jesus did for me and how much God loved and adored me. His love for me is what drew me in and enabled me to trust my heart to Him. Reading the Bible, prayer and the genuine love of others as I opened up and shared my pain is what began my journey of healing. Then and now I cling to this promise from God and His faithfulness in fulfilling this promise. Ephesians 3:20 that "He will do immeasurably more than I can ask or imagine" in my life and He will do it in yours too as we seek both surrender our hearts to Him.

— Jen coffel

“While in college I met some "friends" for food and drinks after a final exam. The last thing I remember about that night is eating chicken quesadillas while the Chicago Bulls played their game on TV. At some point, I woke up in a basement with three other guys sleeping around me with no idea how I had gotten there. I didn't have my car or coat, I immediately knew, by how my body felt, that I had been assaulted.

Shortly after this assault I found myself in a very unhealthy dating relationship. After a short time of dating we got married. Even though this relationship was unhealthy--I found comfort in being in a relationship. I felt a relationship would assuredly give a level of protection that would keep assault from happening to me again. This false sense of security led to another series of unfortunate events because three years and two kids later, we divorced. One trauma can open the door to many more. I turned to God for help and He answered my call! He brought me out of the cycle of abuse and has given me love, wisdom, healing, and strength!”

— brit topp